Sunday, June 22, 2014

What's Needed, A Fresh Anointing Of The Holy Spirit

On my personal Facebook page, a former CBN employee wrote a post recalling the old days of 2inch (quad) machines and other vintage equpment. Since those days broadcast technology has advanced so much since then. No one was thinking about High Def TV in the 70's for sure, but what I remember most of all from the early days of Christian Television was the powerful anointing of The Holy Spirit that was on many of those broadcasts This is in no way to disparage any on Christian TV and radio today, but I recall very well that in the 1970's and in most of the '80's their was a great move of the Spirit and all of you in this group played a part in this. I have heard in said by many leaders in Churches and broadcast ministries that we are going to experience another mighty move of the Spirit. With all the new tools available to us today (especially the new media and social networking) we have the ability to reach so many more with the Gospel. What we must not forget though that it is not our skills as broadcast professionals (though we are thankful for them) that is as important as the anointing of the Holy Spirit. May he revive our hearts and refill many of the vets with "A Fresh Anointing." Finally I recall during a telethon at CBN the anointing that was so heavy, that although I had left work hours earlier, I went back to the studio to be part of it. Anybody here remember Dwight Thompson's meetings at Faith Tabernacle that was broadcast on TV 38, once again I was glad to be part of the audience. Just the other day when Pamela (who worked with us at TV38 on a contract basis) recorded a new program with us, she had chosen "Holy Spirit you are welcome Here" to begin the broadcast, after a time of prayer, The presence of the Lord filled the studio, it was very moving. If he can do this for us, he can do it again for you, be encouraged by listening to our latest broadcast of The View From The Top

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